Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Last year I tried a new variety of habanero called Zavory. I think it won AAS that year. If you have ever tried to eat a habanero pepper, I mean even just a sliver of a habanero, you know that it is an accomplishment. I was going to say acquired taste. But you won't taste anything except pain. However, there is a lot of flavor in the habanero. This variety promised all the flavor and no heat. It lived up to it's billing in the test garden. I found out though that I needed to start this one earlier than the other peppers. It was slow to mature and bear fruit. So, since I had 7 seeds left from 2010, I put them in the germination tray today. I was able to get 2 more New Guinea Impatien seedlings out of the tray and 1 more Lavatera. The video shows where and how I planted the pepper seeds. Also I turned the temperture up on the tray to 78 degrees. I have about 8 different varieties of peppers to start this year. I like to put a different variety in each cell of a 4 or 6 pack. I then refer to them as "yuppie packs". I have given a few of those out to friends who want to grow some different plants but don't want to buy 4 or 6 of each variety. A bedding plant is a terrible thing to waste. Here's the video with music courtesy of


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